Business Technology
The curriculum of the Business and Technology Department is structured to give students the opportunity to explore and learn a variety of technology-based business skills necessary to meet their career goals, prepare for advanced study, and to become better consumers and investors in the 21st Century. Students completing business technology courses develop computer and business skills currently used in today’s world. These courses serve as keystones for success in advanced courses at the college level, for building future career leadership ability through an understanding of the various fields of business, and for using technology to achieve personal goals.
18071 BUSINESS FOUNDATIONS - College Prep (.25 credits)
Do you want to be a doctor? Lawyer? Engineer? CEO? Understanding business basics is essential for ALL careers. Business Foundations will give you a broad exposure to business activities including economics, communication, entrepreneurship, ethics, management, marketing and more. This class is HIGHLY recommended for all students with an interest in business and provides the groundwork for future business courses. This class satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement.
18001(CP) BASIC WEB DESIGN - College Prep (.25 credit)
This course is designed to provide the necessary skills and training in the field of Web Design. The class will focus on web page planning, basic design, layout and construction, setup and maintenance of a web site, HTML, and various web page and image creation tools. This course is taught in a PC environment, but all skills are transferable to the Macintosh. Students will develop a portfolio of sites during the course. While extensive computer experience is not required to enroll in the class, it is important to be familiar with Windows XP, word processing, and the Internet. The course is self-paced allowing students to progress at their own speed. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Quarter course, open to grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
18010(H)/18011(CP) ADVANCED WEB DESIGN - Honors/College Prep (.5 credit)
This course is designed to provide advanced skills and training in the field of Web Design. The class will focus on advanced web page planning and design, editing HTML code, creating templates and style sheets, working with CSS styles, creating forms, scrolling lists and drop down menus. Other topics will include: Image maps, behaviors, using Spry widgets, interactive forms, and media objects. Students will develop a portfolio of sites during the course. It is important to be familiar with Windows, file management, word processing, and the Internet. The course is self-paced, allowing students to progress at their own speed. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement.
Prerequisite: Honors - Students must have a grade of 85% or higher in Basic Web Design CP or teacher recommendation and department approval. CP - Students must have a grade of 60% or higher in Basic Web Design, or teacher recommendation and department approval. (Semester course, open to grades 9, 10, 11, 12 )
This course is designed to introduce students to the basic concepts of word processing as applied to letters, outlines, tables, and academic reports while refining and reinforcing to keyboard quickly, accurately and with correct techniques. Students will learn to blend these computer skills to use the primary applications of Google Docs, Google Sheets, and Google Slides and to apply them competently to school projects. This will prepare students for the workplace and post-secondary education. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Quarter course, open to grades 9, 10 or by departmental approval)
This course is designed to provide students an introduction to Microsoft Windows, and Microsoft Office 2010. Students will prepare and produce communications, presentations, publications, and reports using Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, the Internet, and other technology tools. Students will be exposed to practical business examples of the computer as a useful tool. They will analyze, select and apply appropriate software to accomplish specific tasks using Microsoft Office and other software applications. Students will employ technology application skills for critical, problem solving, and will use an exercise-oriented approach that allows learning by doing. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
This course is designed to provide the necessary skills and training in MS Office Professional. The hands-on approach includes Word application to create tables, charts, form letters, mail merges and newsletters, advanced PowerPoint presentations using visual elements, animation and graphical presentations, Excel applications using formulas and functions, preparation of graphs, interacting with the Internet, and database concepts that allow students to structure, and create database tables, query a database, print reports, and prepare graphic presentations. This course is strongly recommended for students planning to attend a two or four year college or entering a career in business upon graduation. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 10, 11, 12)
18061 PERSONAL FINANCE AND DECISION MAKING - College Prep (.25 credit)
This course is designed to educate high school students about sound money management skills and the financial planning process, and help students begin to develop positive behaviors that are necessary to attaining financial maturity and achieving a secure future. Students will investigate daily life survival skills and wise money management in today’s consumer world. Students will investigate goals and career choices for future planning, banking, budgeting, and credit. Effective allocation of money for credit, savings, investing, and everyday living expenses will be explored. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Quarter course, open to grade 10, 11, 12)
18081 BUSINESS PRINCIPLES AND MANAGEMENT - College Prep (.5 credit)
Business Principles and Management teaches students to understand and appreciate the importance of business in our economy. Students gain an understanding of the activities involved in the successful operation of a business and learn to make decisions in the role of a business owner/manager. In addition, guest speakers from businesses are invited to share their expertise with the class, and students are invited to shadow a business person from the community in a career of their choice. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 10, 11, 12)
18091 ENTREPRENEURSHIP - College Prep (.5 credit)
This course is designed to teach students the basic skills necessary to start, own and operate a business. Topics will include the social, ethical, legal, economic and financial management aspects of business ownership. Students will write a business plan using current computer software. Career awareness of the many opportunities in entrepreneurship will be presented. Students in this class will also participate in DECA competitive events. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 11, 12)
18100(H) / 18101(CP) COLLEGE ACCOUNTING I - Honors/College Prep (1 credit)
This course introduces the financial foundation for any career of your choice. It is an introduction to the principles, concepts, and procedures of beginning accounting and it will acquaint the students with the various business forms used such as; journals, ledgers and financial statements through the steps of the accounting cycle. Accounting is the “language of business” and having a grasp of the language and application will help put you in demand for entry level business jobs and/or post-secondary education. Excel software will be used in this class. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. This course is available for optional Dual Enrollment credit, please see page 21. (Full year course, open to grades 10, 11, 12)
18110 ADVANCED ACCOUNTING II - Honors (.5 credit)
Accounting II is designed for students who want to further explore accounting or finance as a possible career choice. Students will comprehend accounting control systems, general accounting adjustments, payroll and tax records, inventory, and notes payable and receivable. In addition, students will analyze and interpret financial statements. Partnerships and Corporations will also be covered. Excel software will continue to be used in this curriculum. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement.
Prerequisite: Students must have a grade of 85% or higher in Accounting I CP, 75% or higher in Accounting I Honors, or teacher recommendation and department approval. (Semester course, open to grades 11, 12)
18141 COMMUNICATIONS AND BROADCASTING - College Prep (.5 credit)
Students will learn the basics of video development and production by participating in the pre-production, production, and post production of video projects revolving around school and community events. Students will rotate as crew members to learn the operation of cameras, sound, lighting, and editing equipment in the production of short videos that will be published online. Development of ideas and hands-on producing duties will develop experience in the field that can be continued at the industry level or the college level. Some filming of school related activities may take place outside of school hours. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course open to grades 9, 10, 11, 12)
This course will help students develop an understanding of how management and marketing principles and strategies are applied in the sports and entertainment industry. Students will explore the history of the industry, products, economic impact, pricing, strategies, promotions, branding, licensing, research and careers. Students will also analyze actual strategies, plans, and management techniques through case studies. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 10, 11, 12)
18181 MARKETING/DECA - College Prep (.5 credit)
This course is an introduction to retail marketing and management. Students will learn and apply the foundations and functions of marketing, management and learn to make rational economic decisions. Marketing analysis and segmentation, types of consumers, promotion, advertising, selling, and careers in marketing are among the wide range of topics covered. Computers will be incorporated and will include business simulations. Students will have the opportunity to join DECA, an international marketing association for high school students. Membership in the high school division is restricted to students with a career interest in hospitality, finance, sales and service, business administration and/or entrepreneurship. DECA programs are co-curricular, meaning programs complement nationally recognized curriculum standards in the classroom and then go further to incorporate realistic, educational experiences not available through classroom instruction alone. A major responsibility of this course is running the school store. The goal of the class is to provide students with a well-rounded introduction into the exciting and ever-changing world of operating a business. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement. (Semester course, open to grades 10, 11, 12)
18191 MARKETING II - College Prep/Honors (.5 credit)
This course offers students the opportunity to continue to develop their marketing/management skills. Topics will include e-commerce and store management. A major responsibility of this course is running the school store. This includes merchandising, inventory control, management, security, and marketing of the school store. Students will complete comprehensive marketing projects. Students will also have the opportunity to join DECA. This course satisfies the Unified Arts credit requirement.
Prerequisite: Honors - Students must have a grade of 85% or higher in Marketing/DECA CP or teacher recommendation and department approval. CP - Students must have a grade of 60% or higher in Marketing/DECA, or teacher recommendation and department approval.
(Semester course, open to grade 12)
18012 CAREER READINESS - College Prep (.5 credit)
Students will advance classroom skills like communication and collaboration and develop habits and attitudes that build dependability and initiative. Engaging lessons provide applications to the world of work, meaningful future planning, and practical skills like handling finances and being professional in person and online. Students will be able to identify skills and interests, develop communication and collaboration skills, develop professional resumes and career and education plans all while gaining experience in various industries. (Open to grades 11 and 12)
00000 Pathways Essential Skills - College/Career Prep (.25 credit)
Is an instructional course offered for students to acquire general and specific organizational skills, study habits and self-advocacy skills. Students will develop their academic and social emotional skills through engaging hands-on lessons. Modules include stress and time management, conflict resolution and decision making and goal setting. Through practical application students will build the knowledge, skills and self-confidence to be lifelong learners. (a semester course that meets every other day, open to grade 10 and 11 or with Principal approval)
18013 SCHOOL TO WORK - College Prep (1 credit)
Is an instructional course offered for students to acquire general and specific occupational skills through a combination of supervised paid employment and related classroom instruction. Students have an opportunity to meet their academic requirements for graduation while gaining valuable work experience. Through this employment experience, students will build the knowledge, skills and self-confidence to be successful in higher education, in the workplace, and in life. Students participating in this program will attend their academic classes daily and be granted a late arrival/early dismissal to participate in employment during school hours. (Open to grade 12 and/or Principal approval)