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Global Citizenship Program

Weymouth High School - Global Citizenship Program.

Advancements in technology have contributed to increased globalization and enhanced communications around the world. The new Global Citizenship Program (GCP) promotes global competence, a key twenty-first century skill in students. Through interdisciplinary academic study, community service, and international travel, participants increase their global awareness, heighten their appreciation of diversity, and enlarge their capacity to work and contribute in an increasingly interconnected world. It is open to students of ALL Career Academies. Students must declare their intent to apply for the GCP by the end of their sophomore year.


The Global Citizenship Program at WHS will benefit student learning in many ways through local and international community engagement:

  • Demonstrate proficiency and confidence in a second language
  • Attain knowledge of – and show an appreciation for – cultural differences
  • Engage in community service with open-mindedness and humility
  • Share their expertise and enthusiasm with the broader Weymouth community
  • Actively promote global understanding and the peaceful resolution of conflicts
  • Achieve personal growth through reflection
  • Strive to realize their full potential to lead as global citizens



In order to receive a Global Citizenship Program Certificate and special cord at graduation, a student must have the following:


  • A GPA of 2.5 or better
  • 4 years of  World Language study earning an 80 or above in each course (needn’t be in the same language for all 4 years)
  • Complete 20 hours of service (out of 40 required by WHS) with strong connection to Global Citizenship or a UN Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)
  • Complete pre-approved World Travel with an educational/volunteer focus (traveling with family for vacation/fun is not sufficient) and complete a 3 page reflective paper OR complete project for credit through the accredited travel organization

If Travel is not an option, then 1 of the following must be completed, with pre-approval,  along with a 3 page reflective paper:

a. a comprehensive project/fundraiser/awareness campaign to further advance an SDG (must involve at least 40 hours above and beyond the 20 hours of required service)

b.  Host an international student for at least 1 term

c. Participate in an Internship that directly correlates with an SDG

d. Complete an intensive, advanced study of an additional language (not offered at WHS),  or a world culture course at the college level with pre-approval

e. Be an officer and active participant of the Model UN Club, Amnesty International, Multi-Cultural Club or  Rotary Interact Club for at least 1 full school year


  • Complete a resume/portfolio
  • Complete a summary and reflection with a medium of choice to share a 10-15 minute presentation in World Language courses by the end of April in Senior year.  GCP students can opt, with advisor’s approval, to complete their WHS Capstone project based on topic/focus of their GCP experience (travel, SDG work, etc.) in lieu of a separate summary and reflection.