We look forward to welcoming your family to Weymouth Public Schools!
To be eligible for enrollment in Weymouth Public Schools, the parent or legal guardian* of a student must provide proof of legal residency** within the Town of Weymouth. Children whose primary residence is located outside of Weymouth are not eligible to attend Weymouth Public Schools.
Enroll my K-12 student for the current school year.
Please contact the Registration Center in May 2025 to enroll students in grades 1-12 for the 2025-26 school year.
Kindergarten Registration
Learn about Kindergarten Registration for the 2025-26 school year.
Registration is now open!
Pre-K Registration
Learn about Pre-K Registration at the Weymouth Early Childhood Center. Registration is now open!
School assignment will be determined after the registration is complete. Please refer to Weymouth School Committee Policy JC & JCA regarding Attendance Areas (JC) and School Assignments (JCA).
* Legal guardians must provide valid documentation from a court or agency confirming their guardianship status.
** Residency refers to the primary, permanent, and legal place of residence where a student lives with their parent or legal guardian. It is the location where a student spends the majority of their time and serves as the center of the student's domestic, social, and civic life.